Episode 3

Personal Growth, Empathy & Strength with Peomia Chela Brown, MD | Episode 3

Published on: 13th November, 2023

In this inspiring episode, Dr. Peomia Brown, a specialist in pulmonary critical care and sleep medicine, shares her unique journey through the medical field. From her early interest in nephrology to her passion for pulmonary care and sleep medicine, Dr. Brown offers a candid look into the challenges and triumphs of her career and personal life. Discover the importance of empathy in critical care, the journey of a black woman in medicine, and the balance between professional and family life.

In this episode:

• Dr. Brown’s background, education, and path to pulmonary critical care and sleep medicine.

• Insights into the dynamic nature of critical care medicine and the importance of empathy in patient treatment.

• The decision to specialize in sleep medicine and the gratification of solving sleep-related problems.

• Challenges and experiences as a black female physician in a predominantly white male-dominated field.

• Personal struggles, including dealing with a stillbirth and managing vulnerability in a professional setting.

• The impact of imposter syndrome and the importance of recognizing one’s value beyond professional titles.

• Dr. Brown’s role as a wife and mother, and the support from her husband and family during her medical journey.

• Reflections on personal growth, family dynamics, and the importance of showing vulnerability to her daughter.

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About the Podcast

The Last Zebra
Nuanced conversations about different walks of life and those who live them
“The Last Zebra” draws its essence from the timeless medical adage:

“When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses, not zebras.”

Coined by Dr. Theodore Woodward in the 1940s, this maxim reminds us to prioritize common diagnoses over rare and improbable ones.

In a medical world often defined by seeking the most likely causes, “The Last Zebra” podcast takes a different approach. Here we are looking for the common in all of us.

The common focuses on the unique, diverse, and individual experiences of medical professionals. We hope to showcase the stories of these individuals, highlighting how they infuse their backgrounds, beliefs, and characteristics into their medical practice. By doing so, they add an artistic and personal touch that goes beyond the clinical norms and transforms their work into a deeply profound and meaningful endeavor.

Through these stories, “The Last Zebra” aims to reveal the extraordinary side of medicine— "heavy on the ordinary".

The stories that deviate from dogma and delve into the exceptional. It seeks to capture the essence of these medical professionals’ journeys, shedding light on their challenges, triumphs, and the remarkable ways they shape the landscape of healthcare.

In each episode, we delve into the non-clinical nuances that define the day-to-day lives of medical professionals from diverse backgrounds and specialties. This podcast will start and go beyond the clinical, shedding light on the intricate artistry, mosaicism, and diversity in medicine.

We explore how every guest crafts their unique personality and characteristics into the very fabric of their practice.

These stories not only celebrate individuality but also embody the soul of healthcare.

In a world where uniformity is prioritized, “The Last Zebra” podcast honors the rare and unique elements that medical professionals bring to their work. Together, we’ll discover how these exceptional individuals are shaping the future of healthcare, one personalized interaction at a time.

So, come along as we embrace the zebras — the extraordinary stories that make medicine a true art.
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Ugo Ezema